Cosmo: More Than Big Boobs & Multiple Orgasms?

by Alanna Vagianos

I’ve never been an avid reader of the magazine Cosmopolitan (except that time I gained 15 pounds while I was abroad and the “Lose 10 lbs. in 10 Hours” headlines sucked me in – it doesn’t work by the way).  My roommate however, happens to love Cosmo and reads it religiously.  One day after work, while I was taking a short break from my very intense love affair with Netflix, I picked up a recent copy of Cosmo.

 In between the ever-so-creative headlines that read “The REAL Reason He Never Texted” and “Are You Too Self-Obsessed?” I came across a few articles that piqued my interest.  Now please don’t take my sarcastic tone as condescending (actually it is both sarcastic AND condescending).  I most definitely read “The REAL Reason He Never Texted” and “Are You Too Self-Obsessed?” and enjoyed every piece of (bad) advice I found in each article.  But as we all know, the women we see in magazines are not the women we see in real life.  Every picture of a woman in a magazine has been so “digitally altered to make her absolutely, inhumanly perfect” that it forces all real women to measure themselves against an impossible standard.  Cosmopolitan, in particular, is a hyper-sexualized, uniformly white, hit me with the “D” cups right-on-the-cover publication.  And because I am a real woman with something (significantly) less than “D” cups, I have never truly loved Cosmo

After scoring “Simply Self-Aware” on the Self-Obsessed quiz (I may have cheated ever so slightly), I came across an article that read “Will Your Guy Change His Married Name?”  I immediately checked the magazine cover.  Was that BUST or Cosmo I was reading?  Now, the tradition of a woman taking a man’s last name once they’re married has always dumbfounded me.  Yes I know ladies, it’s “tradition” and we’ve all doodled our first names followed by our crush-of-the-day’s last name all over our middle school binders (until she/he proved themselves to be a complete asshole and we crossed her/his name out forever).  But doesn’t the whole tradition thing seem a bit more like a property transaction involving a Subaru than an exchanging of vows? I’ll let you think about that for a moment, but I’m sure you can guess how I feel about it. 

Not only did Cosmo discuss the idea of husbands taking their wives’ names, it named a few very famous couples as evidence.  John and Yoko became the Ono Lennons, rock star Jack Gillis and Meg White became Meg and Jack White, and Jay-Z and Beyonce became the Knowles-Carters (by far my favorite #beyforlife).  The article states:

While the process can involve annoying red tape for women, men often face a mountain of paperwork and legal issues when they try to use a marriage license for a name change.


…‘Most states don’t have don’t have gender-neutral laws, because they assume a bride will take the groom’s name.  Our society is changing.  All states should amend their laws so a man can change his married name without having to go to court.’ 

Cosmo actually used the term “gender-neutral”.  Yes, that’s right, Cosmo.  As I flipped through the pages I found other articles that didn’t make me feel badly about not having the “perfect body” or force me to ruminate about having very painful leg-extension surgery (I’m 5’3” – it’s perfect elbow height, stop judging).  

I began reading substantive articles such as “Your Career Get-Ahead Guide” and “Don’t Have Sex on the First Date: Rules that are Now Considered 100% Outdated”.  The issue also featured a new section called “Fun, Fearless Females”, a “Confessions” page that pictured a biracial couple, and under the heading “Summer Lovin’”, multiple pictures of lesbian celebrity couple Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi.  Cosmo told its readers, “Set a precedent and make sure you come first,” when speaking about sex and focusing on a woman’s pleasure over the man’s.  I didn’t know whether to start taking notes or order a subscription.


For the first time, I was able to relate to an article in Cosmo.  The magazine has stepped its game up, and I like it.  So this all leads to one question: can we call Cosmo a feminist ally or is feminism an advertising trend that will pass just like choker necklaces in the 90s?  While I’m not ready to fully admit Cosmo is “feminist journalism”, a shift such as this in the world’s most popular women’s magazine warrants tribute. Well done Cosmo. 

I’m not saying I’ll be subscribing to Cosmo any time soon (I’ve taken a step back from the edge).  However, the next time I pick up a Cosmo I most likely won’t feel horrible about myself after reading it…which is always a step in the right direction. 


P.S. Seventeen Magazine (another Hearst Corp. mag and an offshoot of Cosmo targeted towards teens) featured a “What Kind of Feminist Are You?” quiz on their website. Check it out here. The coolest part about it? Just by taking the quiz, it’s assumed you are a feminist. Love it. 


Thanks to PolicyMic, Cosmopolitan, and The Guardian 

Images via Cosmopolitan



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