Pregnant Superwoman: Feminist Passerby Serves Sass to Anti-Abortion Activists

by Madison Nicole Nunes

We’ve all seen it. At some point in our lives we’ve passed by a group of people trying to guilt the universe out of being Pro-Choice. At best this is mildly annoying, but usually these activists, who utilize gory posters, “dead” baby dolls, and shaming, make women feel criminal. 

Journalist Sunny Hundal was in for a renewal of faith in humanity when he started filming anti-abortion activists ( members of Abort67) outside of a London clinic. 

Hundal was fixedly questioning a member of the group about a body-cam being used to film women walking (into the clinic) when a nameless, pregnant woman enters Hundal’s  frame to interrupt the member’s weak denial:

“It’s wrong what you’re doing. You don’t know why people are doing what they’re doing but you want to be out here judging and filming…You’re standing out here making other people feel guilty … Many people have been abused, you don’t know what their reasons [are]. I think this is so wrong on so many levels.”

Simply quoting the words does not begin to do them justice. It takes Hundal’s video to really show you how amazing this scene is. From calling out the activists dishonesty to protecting reproductive rights this female stays on point. 

She is now rightfully being called a “hero.” 

Abort67 defended itself early last week to The Daily Mail . Let me tell you, it is utter hoopla: 

“The YouTube video by Sunny Hundal which reveals the gentle nature by which we hold our displays serves to emphasize that abortion is indefensible. Pro-aborts like Sunny can’t defend killing small human beings so he tries (in vain) to shame our volunteers for trying to defend the unborn child.”

The ignorance is so real right now. 


Here is Hundal’s inspiring video: 

Images and quotes c/o: Huffington Post and Sunny Hundal 

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