This Female Reporter Responded EXACTLY The Right Way To These Vulgar Dudes

by Debbie Stoller

Check out this awesome video of Citytv reporter Shauna Hunt responding to the vulgar statement of a Toronto soccer fan. In the middle of one of Hunt’s interviews, a man interrupted to say “f**k her right in the p**sy” directly into her microphone. Rather than letting it go, the female reporter confronted the man and his friends on camera to let them know “It’s a disgusting thing to say… it’s degrading to women.”  

Though none of the guys responded with any sort of embarrassment or remorse, we’re happy to see Hunt calling them out. On top of that, we think it’s a good sign that this video has generated so much buzz. And even if they didn’t show Hunt any regret, they probably feel some now, considering one of them reportedly lost his job because of the incident. 

Image via Blogto

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