Ladies Take Lead In Tuesday’s Primaries

by Debbie Stoller


Twelve states had their primary elections Tuesday night and voters across the country really pulled for their female candidates. 

But unless you’re a Republican, I wouldn’t get too excited. 

In Nevada, Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle beat out the 13 other Republican candidates eager to face off against Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid in November. 

ABC News calls Angle “an uncompromising conservative,” which is far kinder than what I’d call her. She has a lot of fascinating ideas about what would make America better. Here’s a few:

  • Get rid of the Departments of Education and Energy as well as Social Security and Medicare. 
  • Pass a bill which would require doctor’s to tell women seeking abortions that  whole myth about it increasing their risk of breast cancer. 
  • Have federal legislation define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman.
  • Remove the U.S from the United Nations. 

Gotta love those Tea Partiers.  

Meanwhile, for the first time in history, Republican voters in California chose not one, but two women for the state’s highest offices: former eBay CEO Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. 

Whitman is hoping to be Governor Schwarzenegger’s successor and Fiorina is looking to take Barbara Box’s seat in the Senate. Allow me to offer a brief background on each candidate…  

Whitman: she supported Proposition 8, favors public funding of abortions, hates taxes, was accused of doing shady business deals with Goldman Sachs and John McCain considered her for Secretary of the Treasury back in 2008. 

Fiorina: she supports Arizona’s immigration law, is endorsed by several pro-life organizations, wants to repeal the health care bill, and stated during a a recent debate that she believes people on the no-fly list should still be able to purchase a gun. 

Already political analysts are saying that Fiorina doesn’t stand a chance. The reason: Californians like fiscal conservatives but not pro-lifers. As for Whitman, I can only assume that in a state where people elected a guy who once played Mr. Freeze, she’s got pretty decent shot. 

And finally, there’s Democrat Blanche Lincoln from Arkansas who scored herself a third term in the Senate, just barely defeating Lt. Gov. Bill Halter with 52 percent of the vote. 

Lincoln was the youngest woman ever elected to the Senate (she was 38) and the first female to serve as Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee. But despite having voted with the party majority roughly 89 percent of the time, she’s considered a moderate when it comes to issues like health-care and tax policy. 

Is it just me or is anyone else not excited about the November elections? 



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