Corin Tucker Band @ The Bowery Ballroom

by Kelly McClure
The last time Corin Tucker belted it out on a NYC stage was in August of 2006 when Sleater-Kinney played their final show here. Last night she rolled in, with babies and a new band in tow, and bitch slapped a crowd of adoring fans with her hair flips, just like the
good ‘ol days.
Opening for the Corin Tucker band was Hungry Ghost, Portland’s version of a party-rock band. Tucker’s drummer, Sara Lund, moonlights as the drummer for Hungry Ghost as well, so by the time the final act rolled around, she was good and warmed up. Prior to Hungry Ghost taking the stage, warm-up act Darren Hanlon said something about how he loves touring with Tucker because she always has a fresh pack of Oreos in her dressing room each night. Her rider must also say something about a lighting speed set up time in-between bands at her shows, so she can get the hell out of there and be with her family. On average, the prep time between bands this night was like roughly 10 minutes. Tucker stated in interviews held prior to her tour for 1,000 Years that fans shouldn’t expect any SK classics to find their way into her set list, and that’s good, because there weren’t any. The Tucker band played the majority of their debut album and included a few covers (which I will have to find on the Interwebs once the nerds wake up and post them). During the quiet moments in-between songs, fans from all sides of the venue would shout out polite sentiments like, “thank you” and “sounds great, Corin!” Tucker would respond to the praise with smiles and shoe shuffles. At one point, during the middle of the set, Tucker’s guitar strap slipped off her shoulder during a song and made her skip a beat or two while singing. When this happened I could literally feel the room bite a collective lip. Not in a “oh man, you messed up,” way – but in a “we will form a massive human pyramid if it will help in any way,” sort of way. As a representative for your fans, worldwide, I feel the need to relay the following message. It was a message that was delivered multiple times during the show, but I better put it in print in case she didn’t hear last night. WE LOVE YOU, CORIN TUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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