Dang, Diablo is Everywhere!

by Web Intern

Just last week Wednesday I blogged about Diablo Cody taking on the adaption of Sweet Valley High and today…Come to discover she is in consideration to write the script for the Hugh Hefner film that has been in talks for years!

Whatever your thoughts might be about Hef and Playboy, this film would be huge for Cody if she was granted the task. The movie would center around Hef founding the legendary mag back in 1953 and cover up to the late 1970s or 80s, which I’m confident would be full of swinging poolside parties at the mansion and him arm in arm with beautiful, scantily clad ladies. Rumored to star as the young Hef, Hugh Jackman, which I would die to see.

If Hef can tweet about his meeting with Cody, then all of this must be true! Check out the article that informed me of this sure to be talked about collaboration.


Photo courtesy of mycomeup.com

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