Dinner at the Palin’s House

by Lisa Kirchner

Hearing Sarah Palin talk about why women can be anti-choice feminists has been pretty terrifying. Her message, that women can and should be expected to be have children they don’t actually want, is totes ridic. But her supporting argument, suggesting that it’s anti-feminist to accuse women of being unable to handle this load, is a bit trickier. Answering is like trying to respond to the “when did you stop beating your wife” question.

Meanwhile, daughter Bristol recently launched, “Pause before you play,” public service announcement, brought to you by Candies. (The shoe that helped me look like a hooker in elementary school!) In it, Bristol suggests that it would be super hard to be a teen mom if you didn’t have money and privilege. SO DON’T HAVE SEX! (We’re not even gonna bother with the logic on this one. For a refresher, click here.)

Best of all, these two shining lights were off spouting their messages at the same time. What’s the level of cognitive dissonance around that dinner table?


Todd (the Dad) Palin: Sugar, you look so pretty in your new ad.

Sarah Palin: She’s not supposed to look pretty, hon. She’s supposed to look poor.

Bristol Palin: Mom, you didn’t tell me it was anti-feminist to say women couldn’t have children on their own. How was I supposed to know we’re feminists now? You should tell me before you Tweet about it.

SP: I should tell you? Why you little…

TP: Honey, your frown lines. Take a breath. Smile.

SP: Shut up, Todd. You’re right, Bris. Even my pit bull wears lipstick. How were you supposed to know?

BP: Besides, I promise you. I bet no one’ll even notice. Pass the gravy?

Still we’re left with that argument. What’s a good response to Sarah Palin’s brand of gun-toting, I can do everything feminist. We kinda learned that SuperMom didn’t work, didn’t we? Is it really anti-feminist to suggest that no woman can do it all? At least to suggest she should have to?

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