Eight Reasons to Vote TOMORROW!

by Kaitlin Cole


You probably (hopefully) know this already, but tomorrow is Election Day. Lotsa people will be hitting the polls to cast their vote for President, and we’ve compiled a list of reasons why you should most definitely be one of them.

1. Voting is a super easy way to make your voice heard–cliche, yes, but true–and feel like you’re contributing to our country’s future.

2. It’s an important thing to do, as the POTUS obviously has a lot of authority over anything concerning our country and its people.

3. After you’ve finished voting, you can rest easy knowing that you’re that much closer to no longer being bombarded with annoying election-related Facebook status updates (at least for the next couple of years).

4. Help increase the percentage of women casting their ballots: only about 66% of women voted in the 2008 Presidential election. Let’s raise that number!

5. Because Susan Sarandon makes an excellent point on why you should: “Be a patriot, participate in your government. Don’t let the old folks decide your fate. You gotta get out there and have a voice. However you feel about the last four years, there’s four new ones coming up and people are going to make decisions that affect your life.”

 6. If you’re unhappy with anything happening in our country post-election, voting gives you the justification to complain about it!

 7. Women have been a hot button issue in this election, with politicians barfing up offensive gaffes all over the place, and Romney vowing to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Use your vote to speak–so you aren’t spoken for.

8. You get a sticker! (And YOU get a sticker! And YOU get a sticker!) No, but really, stickers are just fun. And then you can post the obligatory pic of yourself wearing your ‘I Voted’ badge to your preferred social media site.


Image via publicradio.org

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