Justin Trudeau Delivers Powerful Speech Addressing Sexism And Poverty, Proves He’s The Wokest Bae

by Emma Bredthauer

Image via CBC News

Justin Trudeau continues to impress us with his commitment to challenging sexism. At a Global Fund conference organized by U2 singer Bono in Montreal on Tuesday, Trudeau, the 44-year-old Prime Minister of Canada/complete dreamboat delivered a stunningly woke speech about the link between sexism in poverty. “We know that poverty is sexist,” he says. “Women and girls living in poverty are less likely to get an education, more likely to suffer from diseases and almost always lack in basic social, political and economic rights.

“When you don’t have an education, it’s hard to climb out of poverty. When you’re battling disease, it’s hard to climb out of poverty. When you don’t have basic equality rights, it’s hard to climb out of poverty.”

Trudeau’s speech Tuesday is only the most recent example of what has been a steadfast commitment to feminist causes throughout his campaign and appointment as Prime Minister: Half of his appointed Cabinet members are women, a historic first for Canada (and, arguably, the world: here in good old U.S. of A., women make up only a quarter of Obama’s cabinet), he has been unequivocal about being a feminist, and his cabinet has pushed for women to appear on Canadian currency.

Screen Shot 2016 09 26 at 5.06.39 PMImage via Twitter.

In an April interview with Elizabeth Plank from Vox, Trudeau discussed the attention he’s received for his feminist goals in office: “I talk about the fact that I’m a feminist as often as I can, and every time I do, it gets a huge reaction–the media reacts, and the Twitter-verse explodes and things like that because here I am saying I’m a feminist. I will keep saying that until there is no more reaction to that when I say it, because that’s where we want to get to.”


It’s heartening to hear feminist sentiments expressed from a major political figure–particularly because anti-feminist rhetoric is largely tolerated in the ‘States (need I mention Donald Trump’s vomit-inducing appearance on The Tonight Show?). Hopefully America will get its shit together and elect Clinton come November — but until then, I’ll be looking towards Trudeau’s leadership for comfort.

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