Learn to Make the Internet with BUST & Women’s Coding Collective!

by Debbie Stoller

Here at BUST, I’m the HBICC (head bitch in charge of coding), and I have two super sidekick interns who are learning to love the machine right along with me. I’ve loved coding ever since I learned my first programming language back in high school—and that was loooong before the internets—and I’ve used coding in just about every job I’ve ever had, whether it was about computers or not (mostly not). And I am on a mission to get more girls and women psyched about progamming. For one thing, it’s really fun. (Honestly;it’s better than Candy Crush or 2048). For another, it’s the kind of skill that is guaranteed to help you land a job. And a really well-paying job at that. And I like to see ladies getting those well-paying jobs.

One of the great things about coding is that there are so many fanstastic online resources to help you learn it on your own; you don’t actually need to go to MIT to get into this area of expertise. And recently, I discovered a new online classroom that I am really excited about. It’s called “The Women’s Coding Collective,” and it’s entirely BY and FOR women. (In fact, it’s only open to women at this time.)

WCC gives a number of 2-week long online classes in web development skillz, including HTML basics, CSS Basics, advanced CSS, Javascript, and PHP. Recently, I participated in their “Practical & Realistic SEO” course, and I learned my ass off. Really. It was a delightful experience and I got a lot out of it.

And right now, there’s a JavaScript w/jQuery class that I’m going to sign up for. And so is sidekick #1, Meredith. And so is sidekick #2, Jenny. In other words, BUST’s entire web development team will be taking the class.

So why don’t you take it with us? The class costs $50, but if you use the following code you can get $17 off! Use the code pal-jupy, or sign up via this link . 

See you at recess?


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