Photographer Cleverly Critiques The Beauty Industry’s Use Of Photoshop

by Brenda Pitt


Photoshop is so laughably overused in today’s media that it’s become a rarity to see an image untouched by digital doctoring. Photoshop allows advertisers to construct the modern fantasy face, and beauty product ads entice consumers with absurdly manicured images of the human form. In most cases, we know it’s not the product that makes one’s skin perfectly blemish-free but the digital alterations, yet we are are continuously urged– consciously or not– to strive for unrealistic beauty ideals. 



The photographer Anna Hill satirizes the beauty industry’s pervasive use of Photoshop in her striking series of faux-advertisements marketing Photoshop brand beauty products. With her expert use of the application, she sharply caricatures the way brands target and manipulate the female consumer. Take a look, and let us know what you think in the comments!



Thanks to Twenty Two Words, Facebook, and Anna Hill

Images via Twenty Two Words

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