“Trumpcare Makes Us Sick”: ‘Cough-In’ Held at Trump Hotel

by Rachel Withers

Diners lunching at the Trump International Hotel in Manhattan on Sunday got a sneak peek at what a post-Affordable Care Act America may look like.

Mid-sitting, a number of their fellow diners starting coughing, loudly and incessantly, filling the room with the awful sounds of sickness, before revealing signs saying “WE NEED OBAMA CARE” and “TRUMPCARE MAKES US SICK.”

The, ahem, “cough-in” was organized on Facebook by activist group Rise & Resist, to take aim at Trump and the GOP for making moves to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Millions of Americans rely on the ACA for health insurance; should Congress repeal it without an appropriate replacement, many Americans will be unable to afford healthcare. It’ll be worse than coughing- one lifelong Republican told Paul Ryan earlier this week that he would be dead without it.

Protesters were quickly escorted out of the building, chanting as they went, “We need Obamacare, Trumpcare makes us sick.”

Honestly, these protesters would probably be better off dropping the “Obamacare” and referring to it as the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is a nickname used by the GOP to associate the healthcare reforms with Obama, and (as Jimmy Kimmel proved again this week in this cringeworthy video) a lot of Trump voters like the Affordable Care Act, while thinking they hate Obamacare.

But I guess “We need the Affordable Care Act, Trumpcare makes us sick” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Image via Great Clips video.


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